Hi Everyone,
Our Holiday catalog will be available beginning August 1st. Want to help a great cause? Order from me between August 1st - 31st out
of either catalog and ALL of my proceeds for the month will be going to
Pediatric Cancer Research. So many children are lost to Pediatric
cancer each day and next to nothing is being given towards new research.
Please visit http://www.thetruth365.org/ for more information on Pediatric cancer and like them on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/

Our Holiday catalog will be available beginning August 1st. Want to help a great cause? Order from me between August 1st - 31st out
of either catalog and ALL of my proceeds for the month will be going to
Pediatric Cancer Research. So many children are lost to Pediatric
cancer each day and next to nothing is being given towards new research.
Please visit http://www.thetruth365.org/ for more information on Pediatric cancer and like them on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ theTruth365film
September is Childhood Cancer awareness month. That is what the gold is for. Neuroblastoma is one type of cancer that is taking our children.